WebAssign is a digital platform containing graded and practice assignments activities along with an embedded eBook to supplement the course. Students and instructors will access WebAssign through Cengage integrated links within the Canvas modules. This guide will overview how to activate your particular WebAssign course and answer some Frequently Asked Questions. As an instructor, you will be able to access the WebAssign assignments to view the interface and content.  While some assignments will auto grade once students complete them, others will require manual grading where you will access the student submission from within WebAssign, view their work and assign a score. It is recommended to stay ahead of your students in reviewing the chapter content throughout the course.


How to Activate Your WebAssign Course in Canvas

This document walks through the process of activating your WebAssign course within your Canvas course.  This is a simple process that requires only a few steps.  To get started…

  1. Make sure your computer meets the WebAssign System Requirements linked here and you have allowed pop-ups in your browser (browser configuration instructions linked here).
  2. In your Canvas Course, navigate to Modules -> Instructor Module and click on the link named "Click here to access your Cengage WebAssign course
  3. Login to create an Access Token.  This is a one-time process required for all Cengage integration enabled courses.  If you have previously accessed Cengage content, this step will be skipped.
  4. Link your Canvas account with your Park Cengage Learning account. Login in using your Cengage Learning credentials. This is a one-time process required for all Cengage integration enabled courses.  If you have previously accessed Cengage content, this step will be skipped. If you do not yet have a Park Cengage Learning account, use the “Create New Account” button. Full directions for creating a new account are linked here.
  5. You will be directed to the Create Course Page. Do not select "Create a new course." Instead, select “Copy from a course key." You will be prompted to enter a Course Key.  Copy the below Course Key and paste it into the box.   Then click "Verify."
  6. Enter the details for your new course and click Continue.
    • When naming your WebAssign course, include the course abbreviation and number, academic term, section number. For instance, Course Name_Section_Term_Year_Last Name. This naming convention will allow you to easily identify your courses/sections from semester to semester.
    • When selecting your course start date, be sure to select the date on which you expect your students to first access the course (TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO TERM START). This is the first day students can access and begin using WebAssign. You might also consider setting your course end date for a week after your actual course end date. Click Continue after entering the required information.
  7. Congratulations!  Your new WebAssign course is created and ready for use with new students.

Quick Navigation Overview


Q: How do I navigate the WebAssign course? 

A: Navigating a WebAssign Course - https://www.webassign.net/manual/instructor_guide/common/getting-started.htm


Q: How do I schedule or adjust due dates in WebAssign?

A: Setting Available and Due Dates - https://play.vidyard.com/G4Wuz6nHs9UZgdbiLddcZV


Q: Can I extend a due date for an individual student?

A: WebAssign: Extend a Due Date for an Individual Student  or entire class- https://www.webassign.net/manual/instructor_guide/c_i_granting_extensions.htm


Q: How do I view students grades in WebAssign?

A: Comprehensive Instructor Guide – https://play.vidyard.com/KJXmrsVg1q8iji4fojtxNB





Q: How do I manually grade assignments?

A: WebAssign: Manually Grading Assignments - https://www.webassign.net/manual/instructor_guide/c_i_grading_answers.htm


Q: How do students register?

A: WebAssign on Canvas Registration and Login - https://startstrong.cengage.com/webassign-canvas-ia-no/ OR


Q: My students are asking for the course key?

A: Canvas integrated WebAssign courses do not require a Course Key for students.   Direct students to the Cengage links in your Canvas course as shown in the above video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eP385K0djg&t=189s



Q: What do I do if my students are having an issue with WebAssign?

A: Direct them to the Cengage technical support link in Canvas Modules to create a case with detailed information. 


Q: What do I do if I am having an issue with WebAssign?

A: Report your issue through the Cengage Tech Support link within WebAssign or in Canvas. 


Q: Where can I view additional WebAssign resources?

A: WebAssign Training site - https://www.cengage.com/training/webassign/


Good to know quick troubleshooting